Why is employment important?
Work is an important part of peoples' lives! It provides a regular paycheck and stability in many ways. Work can provide friendship. It can help a person maintain a positive identity and self-worth. Work makes people happier. People who work tend to: meet people and expand their social networks; feel productive and valued; develop new skills both work and non-work related; transfer learned skills into other areas of life and build a foundation to advance their future goals. People who are employed tend to be happier and healthier than people who are unemployed.
How soon can I get started with DVR?
Two years prior to high-school graduation.
What does DVR do?
Provides necessary and appropriate individualized employment services to people with disabilities who want to obtain, maintain or improve employment. These services include, but are not limited to:
Career Guidance and Counseling to help find an appropriate job goal including post-secondary education if needed to achieve career goals
Job Search and Placement Assistance, including Supported and Customized employment services
Temporary Work experiences for skill/training development and opportunities
Provides training and technical assistance to employers regarding disability employment issues.
La Crosse Office:
2615 East Ave South, La Crosse, WI 54601
Main Line: 608-261-0050
La Crosse Office Main Line: 608-405-4120
Employment Service Providers
These agencies work with community members to provide direct services to those needing
various employment or pre-employment supports.