La Crosse County 

Youth to Adult Transition Resources 

Check us out on facebook

Transition planning guide 2025.pdf

If you are just starting your journey to adulthood, the WI Transition Resource Guide will give you a basic overview of key transition partners and resources needed along the way.   

For more specific information about resources available in La Crosse County, view the La Crosse County Resource Guide created by the ADRC. 

Comm Convo Final.pdf
SES one page flyer 2023

Register for the Community Conversation today! Registration Link or email to register.

Early Detection information for People with Downs Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities.  Please reach out to your transition team, physician or school psychologist for more information.  Testing assists with providing a baseline at age 18 and helps care providers appropriately assess any change in condition as they age through adulthood.  


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PLANNING RECRUITMENT Disability Pride Fest.pdf

The Disability Action Network (DAN) meets the third Wednesday of the month from 3:30-4:30 pm to plan the annual Disability Pride Fest. Here is the meeting link. All are welcome to join!

Meets the third Monday of the month from 6:30-7:30.

The New to Autism Group is a monthly virtual group for parents/caregivers of children that have been recently identified as autistic.  Connect with other parents for a casual discussion about shared experiences, community resources, and to learn more about the Autism Society.  Facilitated by Kelly Brodhagen, Resource Specialist and mother to three sons, two of whom are on the autism spectrum.  

Click here to register and receive Zoom login information.  

Lakeland University (located in rural Sheboygan County) launched the Life and Career Studies program in fall 2023.  


This inclusive, postsecondary education program (or IPSE) offers a personalized approach to the college experiences for students with intellectual and other disabilities who may not be able to access college through the traditional academic route, but who would still benefit from all of the growth, maturity, and life skills that are learned while attending college.  The program includes direct instruction in life skills - independent living & community engagement, career exploration through cooperative education employment experiences, and a little inclusive academic coursework to further future career opportunities.


Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin is expanding services in the 

La Crosse area and is looking for your feedback! 

Click here to access the survey. 

The Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin (DSAW) provides support to Wisconsin families 

and individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities.  

City of La Crosse Committee for Citizens with Disabilities 

Meets 4th Wednesday of every month at 9am - Click here for more information 

The Committee for Citizens with Disabilities will work to ensure that City facilities and resources are accessible to all and will strive to create a community that values and respects people of all abilities. The Committee will promote awareness, equity and inclusion by hosting listening sessions, producing educational materials on issues facing those with disabilities, fostering outreach and partnering with area nonprofits and institutions. The Committee will be comprised of up to (9) members, including one (1) Common Council Member and eight (8) citizen members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council.